After your last vonBiomes Update now I dwelled deeper into the vonHUD Commander Interface in which you can command units in RTS style controls. For this month's end, here is a new preview download to try out, attached to this Patreon post!
Press your PageUp key on the keyboard and access vonCommander anytime on you missions. Satellite Link engaged!
The new vonCommander Interface is still a work in progress, there are so many situations and conditions that it is becoming a complicated beast to tame. But we are getting there, step by step. Currently, sometimes unit need second clicks and in-game, behaviours can be wonky – so this is still on a preview level. If something seems off, you can go out of Satellite view quickly with PageUp again and re-enter. Sometimes it also helps to zoom in a little (mouse wheel).
New features:
* Complete overhaul of visuals:
Interface elements are now widgets, which means they are rendered in crisp quality and not obstructed by 3D models. This was a considerable endeavour and added to a quality look and feel!
* Command input extensions and streamlining:
The first click selects a lancemate. After that, you can:
> Attack enemy: second click on enemy target
> Follow: second click on friendly target
> Move to location and guard: second click on landscape
> Cancel orders: You can now click a lancemate twice to cancel its orders
* Target Cameras:
You can first-click enemies and see them in a separated view up close! The view also has plus/minus button to zoom in and out.
* Heat Bars:
Mechs have small heat bars under their unit name.
* Display of Lancemates:
The interface shows now all lancemates and their status.
* General interface:
The vonCommander Interface has now a texture overlay and improved visuals in general.
I hope you are as excited as I am about the progress,
plans are that in the next week(s), bugs and wonkies get more polished out, and an improved version will be ready in November already – keep your fingers crossed!
Thanks for supporting the work with coffee, pizza and beers, you make this all possible.
Happy Halloween @everyone and stay tuned for the next update of vonHUD/vonCommander!
All the best,
- Jonathan